| 1. | But a more recent version of the abi returns an ,但是abi的更新版本返回的是 |
| 2. | More recent version 较新版本 |
| 3. | Use binary checksum validation for sql server subscribers running more recent versions 对于运行较新版本的sql server订阅服务器,使用二进制校验和验证。 |
| 4. | The more recent version of nfs nfsv4 provides different file locking semantics to its predecessor nfsv3 与nfs之前的版本( nfsv3 )相比,其最新版本( nfsv4 )能提供不同的文件锁定。 |
| 5. | Tag in the deployment manifest to determine if the update location contains a more recent version of the application 标记指定的url ,以确定该更新位置是否包含较新版本的应用程序。 |
| 6. | Backups that are created by more recent version of sql server cannot be restored in earlier versions of sql server 由sql server的最近版本创建的备份将无法在sql server的早期版本中还原。 |
| 7. | Conflicts arise when you modify a resource and try to release it when there is a more recent version in the stream 如果您修改了某个资源并试图发布它,而此时流中正好有该资源的一个更新的版本,那么就会发生冲突。 |
| 8. | Ideally , an updated document would declare itself as obsolete , and would contain an explicit pointer to a more recent version 理想情况下,一份更新后的文档可以将自己声明为过期,并且可以包含一个更新版本的显式指针。 |
| 9. | For most applications and utilities and the kernel , yellow dog ships with slightly more recent versions , but generally only a micro - release difference , not a whole minor version 就大多数应用程序和工具(和内核)而言, yellow dog所附带的是稍新一些的版本,但也只是“微发行号” ( micro - release )的不同,而不是整个副版本号。 |